The Kansas Music Merchants Association (KMMA) is WORKING TO BECOME a non-profit organization. 

The purpose of KMMA is the support of Kansas Music Educators and to advocate for those educators to spend their budget with our members.

2023 - 2024 KMMA Leadership:


Kevin Damm, Damm Music Center

Vice President

Dan Chisham, Palen Music 


Todd Manning, Manning Music

KMMA Membership Meetings happen twice a year, during the Kansas Music Educators Association In-Service Workshop in February and during the Kansas Bandmaster Association Convention in July.

We hold the election of officers during the July Meeting at the KBA Convention.

Officers hold a one year term.

Active Membership is open to all businesses engaged in Musical Instrument Retail in the State of Kansas. 

Affiliate Membership is open to any business interested in supporting the Associations interest. Affiliate Membership is subject to the approval of the Active Members.

For information about joining KMMA, please contact one of the officers listed above.